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Wednesday 17 July 2013

Action packed Austria (Österreich)

 In Austria we are staying at uncle Daniel (nickname golly for his golly wog hair) and aunty sonja and cousins lily and tom. We are using there apartment in Salzburg and have been doing action packed things like on monday we went to Obertrumer lake and went swimming. There was a climbing iceberg it was hard because when we got to the top golly would push us down. On Tuesday we went hiking up in the mountains it was hard going because of the altitude. When we got there we had lunch which was lots and lots of cheese after that me and Estelle (My sister) sprinted down the hill at a million miles an hour. Then that night we went to old town just down the street and walked around looking at the shops and got lost because of mums bad directions. On Wednesday we went to another lake and went swimming the water was really clear and warm. It was hard to think that the lake we went to in winter people go ice skating on it. Then tonight we went rock climbing but we didn't climb many times.
  Then we went to a food restaurant for dinner (beer garden) it was nice.We will be going on the gondola tonight up a steep rock face.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

 In London at Stanstead Airport we got picked up by my mums first cousin Phill and drove to his big house.  The next day  we went into the city on the underground train.  We got off at Vauxhall station, where we had to walk along and meet up with Pauline, a distant cousin.  She took us up to her apartment which is next to the river Thames.  From there we could see Big Ben, the London eye, and the castle of London.  Estelle liked the huge rocking horse that was at Christies auction house across the road.  When we left the apartment we went for lunch at Wagamamas a noodle place.  We took the double decker bus for a while to Buckingham palace.  We saw some guards patrolling the area, there were two on horses.  They have to stand there for two hours at a time.  St James park has a big lake with lots of birds.  There were flamingos there but apparently the fox killed them all.
In the National Gallery were lots of famous paintings.  We saw more paintings in the portrait gallery.  One of them that won first prize was not as good as other ones.
At 4 o‘clock we said goodbye to Pauline and hello to Kimmy, Mum‘s friend.  Estelle and I watched superman at a place in piccadilly square.  We walked through interesting places on the way back to the tube.  There was a man wrapped in chains trying to get out at covent garden.
We got the tube home without getting lost.  What a long day that was.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Irish side of my family

One thing I noticed when I got to Ireland is that I have a lot of relatives here. My Granny Cathy went to New Zealand when she was 17 on a boat P&O Orient The Orsova a long time ago.  She had five children then moved back to Ireland in 1987 with her second husband Bruce.  We see Granny and Bruce a bit because they come to visit us in Te Pahu, but not many of the other cousins, aunties or uncles because New Zealand is a very long way from Ireland.  When it is day and summer here, it is night and winter in New Zealand. We  go to bed late here, it is still quite light even at 11 at night.
My uncle Michael is a musician and plays guitar at lots of different places.  Last night he played a few tunes at Mannions bar in Balla (pronounced Baal).  It has traditional Irish music.  I wasn't allowed to go because it was a late night and kids shouldn't go to pubs.  
Michael is married to Ana who is Spanish.  Their kids are my cousins Samuel and Ewan.
My Aunty Clodagh lives on the other side of Castlebar, she is married to Irish Colin and they have four girls; Shannon, Jasmine, Annelise and Meisha Bell.  Granny has two brothers and five sisters and they provide lots of cousins.
Granny took us for a walk over the old family land in Ballyglass yesterday.  The old stone cottage had fallen down but some of the barn was still standing. We picked wild strawberries when we walked back along the boreen (small road). We had to watch out for nettles as they sting.

Fishing at Achill

On Monday the 8-7-13 Grandpa Bruce,  Craig-my uncle, Estelle-my sister and Me went fishing off the coast in the Atlantic ocean in Bruce's boat.  We went out at a place called Achill.   It was a really hot day but the water was not that hot.  You would either catch lots of fish or you wouldn't catch any in different spots. We cheap fished by not using any bait, just a bit of coloured string dangling down over the hook, but it worked.   We caught coal fish and pollock.  Bruce also caught two little mackerel.  When we came in onto the beach, where the cousins were waiting for us we got out of the boat and started to swim after that we had a barbecue and picnic lunch.  We cooked up some of the fish and some of the nice irish sausages.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Gone Biking and Scootering

On our way to tokyo japan it seemed like endless torture because our seats became uncomfortable after an our or two the food was horrible and the movies and games became unbearable after 5 hours the only good was drinks by good i don't mean healthy. We stayed awake the whole which is almost 24. On our departure the food and movies became worse which is bad because from tokyo to frankfurt the trip is longer and i can't sleep on planes. On our let flight from frankfurt to dublin i thought it would the best trip every i fell asleep and mum said when i woke we were half an hour year
 right i slept for 15 minutes because half an hour the captain said 1 hour to destination i didn't like that because my ankle puffed till i could not see it i think it was because i wasn't moving because the next day after walking around a bit it was better. When we were used to the time zone we went around looking at irish ancient building i like here in Ireland worst bit but he is all right is my little cousin who is 5 he in the first couple of days woke me up real early because i wasn't used to the time zone he woke me up to go shoot some birds with his little plastic gun but a part from that it is good.